General Dentistry
Dr. Singer is a full service dentist in the heart of historic Palo Alto, specializing in a holistic range of services for the whole family. Dr. Singer plans all of your treatment, customizing your individual smile with an unparalleled commitment to quality and service. All dental solutions are the highest quality available and delivered by Dr. Singer, his talented team at Dentistry of Palo Alto and his curated network of national and local labs and specialists.
From regular cleanings to a new look with Invisalign, Dr. Singer's practice addresses every dental issue with precision and care. Our state-of-the-art equipment and warm staff make your entire experience comfortable in our fresh, modern office conveniently located one street over from downtown California Avenue.
Comprehensive cleanings + exams
Fillings & Crowns
Dental implants
Root canals
Teeth Whitening
Dental Bonding
Cosmetic Dentistry